martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Abortion & the precepts.

-For the buddhist the fertilization is when the humans life commences, but as a consequence the abortion is contrary about the first precept .

-the abortion is prohibited in everything who has a PAÑA an that means “life”, so in that culture the abortion is prohibited to everyone who lives like a fetus.

-in medical context is one of the bodily humours understood as the force underlying biological growth.

- any ambiguity there may be thought to be in the first precept with respect to abortion is removed to the equivalent precept in the vinaya.

- the commentary explain that the prohibition applies from the moment of conception.

- the motives reported in the sources for seeking an abortion include concealing extramarital affairs as when a married woman
pregnant by her lover.

-there are a lot of literature about abortion like the stories of “The Dhammapada”, “The petavatthu”, “Jatakas”, etc.

-Jatakas is a book and in it ,narrate the evil consequence of abortion

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